Belper  Celebration

 “What`s on in Belper”

Belper  Celebration

 “What`s on in Belper”


 Website Designed by R Sanders  for  Belper  Celebration  Group

Copyright  @   Belper  Celebration  2018



APRIL 2025

Boom Magazine Belper 24 great local walks for families,dog walkers

and those of us who just don't have legs we used to, find out

more here:

Hope for Belper

We have a Citizens Advice advisor at the Food & Community Hub Tuesday & Fridays so please get in touch if you need any advice.

Advice sessions are:

Tuesdays 9am-12pm - appointments only

Tuesdays 12pm - 2pm - drop in session

Fridays 12pm - 2pm - drop in session

We are based at the Baptist Church on Bridge Street. To book an appointment call the free phone adviceline on 0808 278 7954.

Citizens Advice Derbyshire Districts

Tuesday  1st

 Coffee Mornings at St Peter’ Church, Belper  10.30 am - 12 pm, 1st Tuesday of the month       

 Come along and meet friends old and new. There will be the usual book and jigsaw swap.

Wednesday 2nd

Thursday  3rd

Record Rendezvous - Bring Your Own Vinyl Night

Arkwrights Real Ale Bar

6 Campbell Street, Belper, DE56 1AP

Thursday 2 January 2025, 7.30pm

Hosted by DJs Soul Stew & Joolsh

Book a 20 minute slot on arrival.

Play yourself, ask the DJs for help or just listen!

Friday 4th


Friday  4  April  –  STARTS  7.00pm

Belper RUFC 1XV currently play in Midlands Division- Midlands 3 East (North).

U3A OPEN  MEETING meet at the Strutts Centre, Derby Road, Belper. -- Room  34/14/15 – 9.00am – 12.00 noon

In Door Bowls, Belper Community Hall - Bridge Street, Belper, Derbyshire. DE56 1AB

Friday,  – 1:00 – 5:00pm — Weekly on Friday`s

Pilates with Cathy, Belper Community Hall, Bridge Street, Belper, Derbyshire. DE56 1AB

Friday,  – 9:00am – 11:30am – Weekly on Friday`s

Coffee Morning in the Methodist Church, Chapel Street, Belper. -- 10.00 a.m. -- 12 noon


Elly Jarmain as MADONNA and CHER…

Coming to the RAYGAR soon!!

We are delighted to announce that the wonderful Elly Jarmain is bringing her Madonna and Cher tribute act to the

Raygar Stadium on Friday, 4th April!

For just £15 you can enjoy this incredible show as Elly replicates the vocals of both legendary artists with hit after hit!

Doors open at 7pm and food is available to purchase on the night.

We may have been a little quiet lately but we have been very busy and now we can reveal for 2 nights only:

Truth & Lies by the Company that brought you Captain Blood!

We can not stress enough there are only 45 tickets per night - so gets those emails in to

Only £5 each (no concessions)

Blink and they will be gone!!

Saturday 5th


– Northern Premier Division One East League

CRAZY 66 -   Live at the George  Dragon  Bridge Street, Belper.

Sunday  6th

Belper's Extraordinary Waterpower Story Heritage Walk


Join experienced guide Ian Jackson for a walk around the waterways of the Belper Mill complex to hear about Belper's industrial mill owners and renewable energy generators who, for nearly 250 years, have continually improved the harnessing of the power of the Derwent. Their stewardship of the river is a story of conflict, compromise and collaboration.

Available dates: Sunday 6th April 2pm, Sunday 15th June 2pm, Sunday 3rd August 11am, Sunday 21st September 11am  Meet at the Bandstand in Belper River Gardens. The walk is about 1.5 hours. There are a few steps on the route.


What you'll need  Warm Clothing /  Waterproofs

QUIZ  at the George  Dragon  Bridge Street, Belper. –  From 7.30pm

Monday 7th

Tuesday  8th

Wednesday 9th

Thursday  10th

Friday 11th

Saturday 12th

BELPER TOWN FC  v  EMLEY  (H) -  K.O. 3.00 pm

– Northern Premier Division One East League

Belper Farmers Markets are held on the 2nd Saturday

of every month on the Market Place

from 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

There is free parking in the adjacent Coppice Car Park.

Café and crafts at No.28. Free entry.

With  PETE  SHAW  (50 years on stage)

Playing live at The Congregational Church

Church Walk, Green Lane, Belper

RECREATION  Live at the George  Dragon  Bridge Street, Belper.

Led Zeppelish (Led Zeppelin Tribute)

Date : 12 April 2025

Time : 7:45 pm - 10:30 pm

Venue : St Peter's Church, Belper

Tickets – Adults £18.00 - under 18 £13.00

ANNA  MASSIEat Belper Meadows Cricket Club, BELPER Presented by: Black Dog Radio


The Triangle, Off Bridge Street, Belper, Derbyshire. DE56 1BA

Saturday 12th April, 2025 –  Door time: 7:30pm  -  Start time: 8:00pm

Winner of the BBC Radio Scotland Young Traditional Musician of the Year 2003, Anna Massie is a folk multi-instrumentalist who has been astonishing…

See Anna Massie tour dates

General Admission Tickets are available

Ticket price: £14.30, Booking fee: £2.00  Total price: £16.30

! 07780331334 ` This is an accessible venue with adjacent parking.

Looking ahead to future attractions at The Queens Head Belper.

Your friendly local and intimate listening venue is where roots meets original and the sounds of the future.  So here goes and reservation available via  or maybe pop into the pub and enjoy an excellent pint whilst buying a ticket.

April 12. Pete(Another Train) Morton plus support. £8.

How's that for eclecticism and fun.

Reserve via  Over 18s only after 9.00pm.

Keeping it live and startlingly original.

Sunday  13th

Belper Pubs Past and Present Heritage Walk


Step back in time to the Inns and Taverns of the Town to discover their historic past and entertaining stories.  

This easy one mile walk includes stopping inside a couple of the pubs for an opportunity to purchase refreshments.

 Meet at 2pm at The Talbot pub, Bridgefoot. An hour and a half approximately.

Available dates: Sunday 13th April, Sunday 8th June, Sunday 27th July, Sunday 5th October and Sunday 21 December. All start at 2pm.

Unfortunately, we don't allow dogs on this walk.


What you'll need Clothing appropriate for the weather

REGGE  VEGAN  Market in  the Market Place

from 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.

There is free parking in the adjacent Coppice Car Park.

Café and crafts at No.28. Free entry.

Auto Amore: Celebrating Italian Passion for cars.

Come and celebrate Italian Flair!

Date & Time

Sunday, 13th April, 2025 at 10:00 am to 03:00 pm


Great British Car Journey, Drive Dad's Car, A6, Ambergate, DE56 2HE, United Kingdom,Belper

Event Details

Join us for our special themed Italian Car Day on Sunday 13th April.

We are calling all owners of Italian cars to join us for our very special day at Great British Car Journey.

Discounted entry of just £10 per person (save £8.50 for each person on usual on the day price) is available on tickets purchased in advance for ALL occupants of ANY Italian marque attending on the day. The special discounted entry price includes full access to the Great British Car Journey interactive museum, cafe and facilities.  

To book your Italian car in, message us here with your car registration number or, if you are a car club interested in attending, please email

Along with the Italian cars and other exciting classic cars that will be on show in the car park you can also enjoy the display of over 150 British Classic Cars in the Museum to enjoy too.

The Filling Station Cafe will be open as usual serving great coffee, drinks and snacks.

Please note that these are external club visits – they are an added bonus to your Great British Car Journey visit. We cannot guarantee exact timings or cars in attendance and they may be subject to last minute change or cancellation.

QUIZ  at the George  Dragon  Bridge Street, Belper. –  From 7.30pm

Monday  14th

Tuesday  15th

Wednesday  16th

Thursday  17th

Belper Historical Society

Thursday 17th April  7:30pm, Strutts Community Centre. Members free,  visitors £5

The fibres spun in our Valley  –  Kim Kerry

Friday 18th

Saturday 19th

RAIN  DOGS –  Live at the George  Dragon  Bridge Street, Belper.

Sunday  20th

QUIZ  at the George  Dragon  Bridge Street, Belper. –  From 7.30pm

Monday  21st

BELPER TOWN FC  v  SHEFFIELD FC  (H) -  K.O. 3.00 pm

– Northern Premier Division One East League

Tuesday  22nd

Wednesday 23rd

Thursday  24th

A Twist in the Tale - Belper Ropemakers Heritage WalkOverview

New for 2025!

Whether at work or at home, rope was an essential part of life in times past. Join us to hear all about how and where it was made in Belper and the family that made it. More than five generations of the Kirklands worked the ropewalk owned by the Strutts, and built a strong business based on Bridge Street, becoming an important part of Belper's community.

This walk has been designed to be suitable for people with limited mobility and lasts one and a half hours with a rest stop part way through, finishing with the opportunity to purchase refreshments whilst you sit and hear the story's end.  Unfortunately this walk is not suitable for mobility scooters due to the nature of the surface and a couple of steps.

Available dates: Thursday 24th April at 10.30am, Saturday 19th July at 10.30am and Tuesday 2nd September at 1.30pm

Belper Fun Fair  Proctor’s Fair will be in Belper for 3 days of fun.

 From  6.00 pm on Thursday – 2.00 pm on Saturday

Friday 25th

Saturday 26th

STUMBLE BROTHERS –  Live at the George  Dragon  Bridge Street, Belper.

Sunday  27th

Sage Yoga Studio Belper


Sunday 27th April 4-6pm Jagannatha Das will be back with his amazing team for Community Kirtan

Tickets £10 plus booking fee

Just gone on sale here

QUIZ  at the George  Dragon  Bridge Street, Belper. –  From 7.30pm

Longships and Octagons: The iconic Rover and MG brands

At Great British Car Journey On Sunday 27th April 2025

Great British Car Journey  Unit 4, Derwent Works, Ambergate, Belper, DE56 2HEJoin MG Rover Events for a second year running our Longships and Octagons on Sunday 27th April,  Post Pride of Longbridge event, at the Great British Car Journey. This year we will also be incorporating drive it day – with an road run from the Museum site up into the peak district and returning (road run time approximately 1 and a half hours).

This is another special anniversary year for the Rover and MG brands with the 30th Anniversary of the launch of the portfolio model range, comprising the  ‘R3’ Bubble 200, the ‘HHR’ Honda Civic Based Rover 400 & The reintroduction of the first all new MG sports car since the MGB, the MGF. Plans are currently under way to for a celebration of these models with more details to be released shortly.

Tickets for the event will be available from November 2024 via Buy tickets – MG Rover Events (

Discounted entry of just £10 per person (save £8.50 for each person on usual on the day price) is available on tickets purchased in advance for ALL occupants of ANY MG Rover marque attending on the day. The special discounted entry price includes full access to the Great British Car Journey interactive museum, cafe and facilities.  

To book your car in, message us here with your car registration number or, if you are a car club interested in attending, please email

Along with the MG Rover cars and other exciting classic cars that will be on show in the car park you can also enjoy the display of over 150 British Classic Cars in the Museum to enjoy too.

The Filling Station Cafe will be open as usual serving great coffee, drinks and snacks.

Please note that these are external club visits – they are an added bonus to your Great British Car Journey visit. We cannot guarantee exact timings or cars in attendance and they may be subject to last minute change or cancellation.

Monday  28th

Tuesday  29th

Wednesday 30th

Just a few of the things happening in and around Belper

What`s on in Belper in April

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Events in April

