Website Designed by R Sanders for Belper Celebration Group
Copyright @ Belper Celebration 2018
Belper Photo`s – page 2
Winter photo of the bridge
over the River Derwent
looking towards Bridge Hill
Photo taken from the bridge
looking north with Belper River Gardens in the background
This photo taken across the River Derwent from the start of the River Gardens with Wyver Lane in the background
Picture taken March 2010
Off the river Derwent looking north with the newly refurbished shoreline of the river gardens in the back ground
Picture taken March 2010
This is the lake in the Belper river gardens with the new walk ways and seating on the A6 side of the gardens
Same View taken in
July 2016
Of the mill complex
As it was in the
Of the mill clock
Before it was
Knock down
Of the
Sitemap |
January |
February |
March |
April |
May |
June |
July |
August |
September |
October |
November |
December |
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St John`s |
Lost Garden |
Belper Photo`s 2 |
Belper Photo`s 3 |
Belper Photo`s 4 |
Belper Photo`s 5 |
Belper Photo`s 6 |
Belper Photo`s 7 |
Belper Photo`s 8 |
Useful Numbers |
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Strutts Centre |
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Cottage Beginning |
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