Belper  Celebration

 “What`s on in Belper”

Belper  Celebration

 “What`s on in Belper”


 Website Designed by R Sanders  for  Belper  Celebration  Group

Copyright  @   Belper  Celebration  2018



-- Information --

Useful  phone numbers taken from Belper Celebration Magazine


Fire, Police, Ambulance

Mountain Rescue, Cave Rescue 999 or 101

Fire & Rescue -------------------- 01332 771221

 Police Headquarters, Ripley --- 0345 123 3333

Crimestoppers ------------------- 0800 555111

Electricity East Midlands ------ 0800 568090

Gas - Transco Gas Leaks ------ 0800 111999

Water - Seven Trent ------------ 0800 7834444

Water - Floodline --------------- 08459 881188

Water - Hotline ----------------- 0800 80 70 60

RSPCA Emergency ------------ 08457 88 89 99

Samaritans - 24 Hour ---------- 08457 90 90 90

Drug Helpline - 24 Hour ------- 0800 77 66 00


Belper Natural Health Centre - 01773 820220

Hewing Chiropody ------------- 01773 822318


Whitemoor Madical Centre –- 0844 576 9200

Riversdale Surgery ------------- 01773 822386

Derwent Medical Centre —-- 01322 292939


West House ---------------------- 01773 822126

----------------------------------or 01773 822034

Babington Hospital ------------- 01773 824595

Derwent Street ------------------ 01773 820478

Genesis Dental Care —–––––– 01773 824595


Lloyds ---------------------------- 01773 820596

Manor Pharmacy ---------------- 01773 825481

Boots ------------------------------ 01773 822052

Morrisons Pharmacy ------------


Babington Hospital -------------- 01773 824171

Royal Derby Hospital ------------- 01332 340131

Ripley Hospital ------------------ 01773 743456

NHS Direct ----------------------- 0845 4647

Nursing Homes

Osmaston Grange ---------------- 01773 820980

Belper Views --------------------- 01773 829733

Milford House -------------------- 01332 841753

Coach House Milford ----------- 01332 840988

Spencer Grove Nursing Home – 01773 599349


Boothroyd ------------------------ 01773 829544

 Marshall & Till ------------------ 01773 822591

Belper Taxis

BTS Belper Taxis -------------------- 07977 600600

Ks  Taxis  —–––––––––––––––– 07866 892942

Steve Taxis –––––––––––-–––- 017773 525323

Holbrook Travel —––––––––––– 07812 688 007

(Luxury 8-seater taxi - plus onboard DVD entertainment)


Belper Town Council ------------- 01773 822116

Amber Valley Borough Council - 01773 570222

Derbyshire County Council ------ 01629 533111

Derby City Council ---------------- 01332 293111

Derbyshire Dales District Council 01629 761100

Registrar, Ripley Town Hall ------ 01773 841380

            Tourist Information Centres

                Belper, Derwent Valley

Visitor  Centre, North Mill ------- 01773 880474

Asbourne Tourist Centre --------- 01335 343666

Bakewell Tourist Centre ---------- 01629 813227

Buxton Tourist Centre ------------ 01298 25106

Chesterfield Tourist Centre ------ 01246 345777

Derby Tourist Centre ------------- 01332 255802

Matlock Tourist Centre ----------- 01329 583388

Matlock Bath Tourist Centre ---- 01329 55082

Ripley Tourist Centre ------------- 01773 841488


DeBradelei Mill, Belper ------------ 01773 829830

Peak Village, Rowsley -------------- 01629 733433

Masson Mill, Matlock Bath ------- 01629 760208  


Belper Library, Derwent Street ----- 01629 533192 Belper Post Office —––––––––-- 01773 820108

Belper Job Centre, King Street --- 01773 723000

Citizens Advice Beareau ----------- 01773 826843

Heritage Centre, St John`s Chapel  01773 822116

Call Derbyshire ---------------------- 08456 058058

Inland Revenue, Derby ------------- 01332 724000

Newspaper, Belper News ---------- 01246 504580

The Drop-Inn Derwent St Belper - 07950 379705

Abandoned Vehicles ----------------- 01773 842318

Environmental Agency -------------- 0800 80 70 60

AA Emergency Breakdown —––––––––––– 800887766

RAC Emergency Breakdown —––––––– 0844891 3809

Derby Telegraph Newsroom —–––––––- 01332 411999

Entertainment & Sport

Belper Town F.C. --------------- 01773 825549

Belper Sports Centre ----------- 01773 825285

Ritz Cinema Belper —–––––— 01773 822224

Carsington Water ---------------- 01629 540478

Derby County FC  —––––––-- 0871 472 1884

Derbyshire County Cricket –– 01332 388 101

Ilkeston Bowling ----------------- 0115 932 2092


Showcase Cinema ---------------- 01332 270707

UCI Cinema ----------------------- 0870 0102030

Metro Cinema -------------------- 01332 347765

Derby Arena —––––––––––- 01332 640 011

Derby Live —––––––––-–––– 01332 255800

Derby Quad —–––––––––––- 01332 290606

Derby Playhouse ----------------- 01332 363275

Megabowl ------------------------- 01332 270057

Derby Dance Centre ------------- 01332 370911

Rollerworld ----------------------- 01332 345828

Riley Snooker & Pool ----------- 01332 347307


Nottingham Playhouse ---------- 0115 9 419419

Theatre Royal --------------------- 01159 895555

Royal Concert Hall --------------- 01159 895555

National Ice Stadium ------------- 0870 8533000

Jongleurs Comedy Club --------- 0870 7870707


Bus & Coach

National Express ------------------ 0870 5808080

Traveline Bus Enquiries ---------- 0870 6082608

Derby Bus Station —–––––––- 01332 711 553


National Rail Enquiries ----------- 08457 484950

Midland Mainline ----------------- 08457 221125

Traveline Train Enquiries -------- 0870 6082608

Derby Railwway Station —––– 01332 867 000


AA24hr Breakdown --------------- 0800 887766

RAC 24hr Breakdown ------------- 0800 828282

Travel Wise Transport ------------- 0845 6010730

D.C.C. Highways ------------------- 01629 580000


East Midlands Airport  ------------- 01332 852852


Arkwright`s Mill Cromford----- 01629 823256

Bass Museum, Burton ----------- 01283 511000

Buxton Museum & Art Gallery  01298 24658

Chesterfield Museum & Gallery 01246 345727

Creswell Crags, Visitor Centre -- 01909 720378

Derby Museum & Art Gallery -- 01332 641901

Derby Industrial Museum ------- 01332 255308

Derwent Valley Visitor Centre - 01773 880474

Pickford`s House, Derby -------- 01332 255363

Royal Crown Visitor Centre, Derby 01332 712800

Belper Churches

St Peter -------------------- 01773 822148/828772

St Swithuns ------------------------ 01773 822148

St Marks --------------------------- 01773 825727

Baptist ----------------------------- 01773 821409

Christ Church --------------------- 01773 824974

Central Methodist ---------------- 01773 822162

Congregational -------------------- 01773 880230

Grace Church --------------------- 01773 821406

Openwoodgate Methodist ------ 01773 822162

Our Lady` Catholic -------------- 01773 822182

The Christian Centre ------------- 01773 829369

Unitarian Chapel ------------------ 01773 829214

Belper Schools

Belper School ---------------------- 01773 825281

Herbert Stutt Primary ------------ 01773 822771

Long Row Primary ---------------- 01773 823319

Pottery Primary School ----------- 01773 823987

St Elizabeth`s R. C. Primary ----- 01773 822278

St John`s Primary School --------- 01773 822995


Benefits Agency , Forester House, Derby -- 01332 243800

Benefits Agency, St Andrews House Derby 01332 254200

Benefits Agency, 58 South St Ilkeston ----- 0115  9448000

Business Link, Town Hall,  Ripley ---------- 01773 841384

Citizens Advice Bureau, Derby -------------- 01332 243120

Combined Courts, Derby --------------------- 01332 622600

Community Transport, Ripley --------------- 01773 746652

Council for Voluntary Service ---------------- 01773 512076

Derbyshire Careers Service Centre ----------- 01773 745921

Derbyshire Tourist Guides ------------------- 01329 534284

Derbyshire Centre for Integrated Living ---- 01773 748452

Inland Revenue, Alfreton --------------------- 01773 523100

Inland Revenue, Derby ------------------------ 01332 724000

Job Centre, Belper ----------------------------- 01773 723000

Belper Library ---------------------------------- 01773 824333

Magistrates Court,. Ilkeston ------------------ 0115 9320286

Probation Service, Alfreton ------------------- 01773 831944

Probation Service, Derby ---------------------- 01332 340047

Radio Derby ------------------------------------ 01332 361111

Ram F. M. --------------------------------------- 01332 292945

Social Service Office, Ripley ------------------ 01773 728000

Amber Valley Rent Officer ------------------- 01773 822992

Registrar, Ripley ---------------------- 01773 841380/841381

South East Derbyshire College --------------- 01159 324212

Telephone Service, Derby ---------------------- 0800 800150

Trading Standards, Derbyshire --------------- 01629 580000

   Belper News  —–––––––––––––- Tel: 01246 504580


Alton Towers ------------------– 0843 903 3269

Belper River Gardens, Boats --- 01773 841482

Bolsover Castle -------------------- 01246 822844

Carnfield Hall, South Normanton 01773 824577

Caulwell`s Mill,  Rowsley ------- 01329 734374

Crich Tramway Village ----------- 01773 852565

Denby Pottery Visitor Centre --- 01773 740799

Derby Cathedral, Derby ---------- 01332 341201

Grand Prix Coll, Donington Park  01332 811027

Elvaston Castle --------------------- 01332 571342

Gullivers Kingdom ----------------- 01629 580240

Heights of Abraham ----------------- 01629 582365

Heage Windmill --------------------- 01773 853579

Lea Gardens, Lea ------------------- 01629 534380

Matlock Bath Aquarium ----------- 01629 583624

Midland Railway, Butterley ------ 01773 747674

Middleton Top Cycle Hire -------- 01629 823204

National Stone Centre, Wirksworth 01629  824833

Peak Cycle Hire, Ashbourne ------ 01335 343156

Peak Rail ----------------------------- 01629 580381

Peak Mining Museum, Matlock Bath 01629 583834

Shipley Country Park  ------------- 01773 719961

Pride  Park Stadium, Derby County 01332 209999

Twycross Zoo ----------------------- 01827 880250

Waterworld, Stoke ------------------- 01782 205747

Wirksworth Heritage Centre -------- 01629 825225

Stately Homes

Calke Abbey, Ticknell, -------------- 01332 863822

Chatsworth House ------------------- 01246 565 300

Eyam Hall, Eyam, Hope Valley ---- 01433 631976

Haddon Hall, -------------------------- 01629 812855

Hardwick Hall, Doe Lea, Chesterfield 01246 850430

Kedlaston Hall, Derby --------------- 01332 842191

Melbourne Hall & Gardens --------- 01332 862502

Sudbury Hall & Museum of Childhood 01283 585 305

Wingfield Manor, South Wingfield  01773 832060

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