Belper Celebration
“What`s on in Belper”

Belper Celebration
“What`s on in Belper”
Website Designed by R Sanders for Belper Celebration Group
Copyright @ Belper Celebration 2018
The information provided on this website is done so in good faith and based on information supplied to us.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the content is current and accurate, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information and accept no liability for any errors or emissions.
All information and materials on this website are for your general information and should not be read as advice or recommendations.
We reserve the right to make changes and corrections to any part of the content of this site at any time without prior notice. While we endeavour to ensure that this site is available 24 hours a day, we will not be liable if for any reason this is not the case.
We do not endorse any externally linked sites and is not responsible for the content contained within.
All materials on Belper Celebration including text and graphics are copyright of Belper Celebration, unless otherwise stated. Note, however that images and text can be used for educational and by non-profit making organisations only.