Belper  Celebration

 “What`s on in Belper”

Belper  Celebration

 “What`s on in Belper”


 Website Designed by R Sanders  for  Belper  Celebration  Group

Copyright  @   Belper  Celebration  2018


  Site Map

Belper  Photo`s – page 1

Belper`s North Mill

Visitor Centre

Bridge foot, on the right -hand

Side going out of Belper.

The first skyscraper and one of the oldest buildings of its type in the world

Now part of the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site.

St John`s Chapel, St John`s Road, The Butts, Belper.

Belper`s oldest Building dating from 1250 AD

Home of the Heritage Centre

The litchgate  entrance to

St John`s Chapel

off The Butts









Photo of the front of St Peter`s Church looking up through the church yard

Photo of the Strutt Houses in Long Row Looking up from the bottom

Off the A6 near the Triangle, north end of Bridge Street

Belper`s Strutt East Mill

Towers above Belper and is a landmark as you travel along the A6

Strutts arch walkway across the road out of Belper.

Going towards Ashbourne

Early Belper Mill photo showing the east and west mill in the 1940/50

These photo`s taken by Jim Bell in August 1922 after the opening  showing the new Library and Ada Belfield Centre. They've made a lovely job of those buildings.